Curriculum Vitae

Korina Kordova

Born in São Paulo, Brasil
Based in Stockholm, Sweden
nationalities: Brazilian / Greek

Academic background

Materialities; energies (postmaster course) - 60 ECTS
Royal Institute of Art (KKH), Stockholm, SE

Studio Practice and Artistic Processes - 7.5 ECTS
Stockholm University of the Arts, Stockholm, SE

Methods and Forms of Writing in Relation to Artistic Practice - 7.5 ECTS 
Stockholm University of the Arts, Stockholm, SE

Master in Choreography - Internship in the frame of the Erasmus+ Mobility Programme – 30.08.2021 to 28.11.2021
supervisor: Jennifer Lacey
Stockholm University of the Arts, Stockholm, SE

Master Performance Practices - 120 ECTS
ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem, NL
Bachelor of Social Communication: Journalism
Faculdade de Comunicação Social Cásper Líbero, São Paulo, BR

Artistic Research Projects 

From 2022
choreographic anarchiving and body-making 

Amazonizing Practices: processes of thinking-moving with a landscape  
Master Performance Practices, ArtEZ University of the Arts, NL

Works: choreographer / maker

Place Correspondence Traces [ tangible [un]framed things ]
Shown in the Portfolio Exhibition of the 2019-2021 Master Performance Practices cohort, Arnhem, NL

CRATERA [ choreographic installation ]
Choreography, performance, video, sound, things: Korina Kordova
Performance: 20 May 2021, Arnhem, NL

GEM FOREST [ participatory performance installation ]
Creation, performance and sound: Korina Kordova
Performance: October 2020, ‘The Artist is Absent’ Festival, Arnhem, NL

HOLE [ durational performative experiment live on Zoom ]
Creation and performance: Korina Kordova
Performance: June 2020, Arnhem, NL

an island. the abyss. a landscape [ durational performance ]
Concept and performance: Korina Kordova
Mentoring: VestAndPage
Performance: February 2020, ‘Bodies in Dissent - Marking Time’, an evening of performances mentored by the artistic duo VestAndPage, Arnhem, NL

CIPÓ [ scored improvisation performance ]
Creation and performance: Korina Kordova
Performance: 29 January 2020, ‘Uitnacht’, Arnhem, NL

CIPÓ + stone jungle lamento [ research prototype: score + activation/ video ]
Creation and performance: Korina Kordova
Video editing: Korina Kordova and Fabricio Muriana
Shot in December 2019 at Centro Cultural São Paulo, BR

#abismo.animados 2.0 [ act performance ritual ]
Created during the artist-in-residence programme at Centro de Referência da Dança da Cidade de São Paulo - CRDSP, São Paulo, BR
Creation and performance: Korina Kordova
Power objects: Eudoxie Pavlina
Performance: 17 January 2019, CRDSP, São Paulo, BR

Sinuosity: the muse [ dance at the museum ]
Created for ‘Dança no MIS’ programme at Museum of Image and Sound- MIS SP, São Paulo, BR
An intervention in the exhibition “Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich: homage to photographic masters”, by photographer Sandro Miller
Choreography and performance: Korina Kordova
Curator: Natalia Mallo (ARG/BR)
Performed at MIS SP in May/ June 2018

#abismo.animados [ act performance ritual ]
Creation and performance: Korina Kordova
Power objects: Eudoxie Pavlina
Created for and performed at ‘Mostra PARALELA arte. corpo. Performance’
Performance: 17 November 2017, Arts Institute of the Federal University of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, BR

after sinuous curves [ dance solo ]
Choreography and performance: Korina Kordova
Support: Center in Motion, Warsaw, PL, and Centro de Referência da Dança da Cidade de São Paulo, BR
2018, Mostra Cult Dance, Centro de Dança do Distrito Federal, Brasília, BR
2018, Pra Ficar Junto, Capital 35, São Paulo, BR
2017, Cartografia do Possível, Centro de Referência da Dança da Cidade de São Paulo, BR
2016, Corpos Nômades In Concert, Espaço Cênico O Lugar, São Paulo, BR
2016, IX Mostra Lugar Nômade de Dança, Espaço Cênico O Lugar, São Paulo, BR
2016, Scena Tańca Studio, Teatr Studio, Warsaw, PL

#abyss.foodpossession [ durational cooking performance ]
Created for ‘The Makers Exhibition’, Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space
Curator: Rebekka A. Ingimundardóttir (ISL)
Creation and performance: Flesh System // Korina Kordova + Przemek Kamiński + Mateusz Szymanówka + Marta Dymek
Support: Instituto Adam Mickiewicz (PL)
Performance: July 2015, Makers Exhibition, PQ 2015, Bethlehem Chapel, Prague, CZ

#abyss.witchroulette [ dance piece/ performance ]
Commissioned by the V International Maat Festival Border Line, Lublin PL
Creation and performance: Flesh System // Korina Kordova + Przemek Kamiński (PL/DE)
2015, Jan Tarasin City Art Gallery, Kalisz, PL
2014, Poznań Gallery Weekend, kolektyw 1a gallery, Poznań, PL
2014, 100 Grad Festival, Sophiensaele Theatre, Berlin, DE
2013, 5th International Maat Festival Border Line, Lublin, PL

on 8th boulevard. right after sinuous curves [ dance solo ]
Created in the frame of the residency program Solo Project 2013 at Art Stations Foundation by Grażyna Kulczyk, Poznań, PL
Choreography and performance: Korina Kordova
Music: Dominik Strycharski
Mentor: Bush Hartshorn (UK)
2014, Warsaw Dance Scene, Teatr Powszechny, Warsaw, PL
2014, Teatr Rozbark, Bytom, PL
2014, Tanztage, Sophiensaele/ Festsaal, Berlin, DE
2014/2013, Old Brewery New Dance, Poznań, PL

± 30 we are here for you [ instant composition/ choreographic installation ]
Creation and performance: Flesh System // Korina Kordova + Przemek Kamiński
2012, Warsaw Dance Night, Teatr Studio, Warsaw, PL
2013, Demonstrator, DZIK (Dom Zabawy i Kultury), Warsaw, PL

Once/ twice simultaneously [ dance piece ]
Creation and performance: Flesh System // Korina Kordova + Przemek Kamiński
Performance: Warsaw Dance Night, Teatr Studio, Warsaw, PL

For Sale or Agorumma in de gumma [ dance piece ]
Created for 7 performers in the frame of the Studio of Physical Theatre - Silesian Dance Theatre, Bytom, PL
Collaboration with actress and director Ewa Zawada (PL)
Production: Studio of Physical Theatre, Silesian Dance Theatre, Bytom, PL
Performances: 18th Annual International Contemporary Dance Conference and Performance Festival, Bytom, PL

Borderline [ dance solo ]
Choreography and performance: Korina Kordova Choreographic Laboratory of Silesian Dance Theatre, Bytom, PL
2012, Ciało-sztuka-ruch vol.12, Mazowieckie Centrum Kultury, Warsaw, PL
2012, TanzArt Ostwest 2012, Giessen, DE
2010, Elektrownia Gallery for Contemporary Art, Czeladź, PL
2010, 17th Annual International Contemporary Dance Conference and Performance Festival, Bytom, PL
2010, Silesian Dance Theatre, Bytom, PL

Cranes [ dance-theatre piece ]
Created for 7 performers in the frame of the Studio of Physical Theatre - Silesian Dance Theatre, Bytom, PL
Collaboration with actress and director Ewa Zawada (PL)
Production: Studio of Physical Theatre - Silesian Dance Theatre, Bytom, PL
Performances: 15th Annual International Contemporary Dance Conference and Performance Festival, Bytom, PL

Elektrokosmos [ site-specific dance piece at Power Plant Szombierki, Bytom, PL ]
Created for 10 performers in the frame of the Studio of Physical Theatre - Silesian Dance Theatre, Bytom, PL
Collaboration with actress and director Ewa Zawada (PL)
Production: Studio of Physical Theatre - Silesian Dance Theatre, Bytom, PL
Performances: 14th Annual International Contemporary Dance Conference and Performance Festival, Bytom, PL

Karolina [ dance solo ]
Choreography and performance: Korina Kordova
Production: Silesian Dance Theatre, Bytom, PL               
2008, Obserwatorium Artystyczne “Entrée”, Teatrze Rozrywki, Chorzów, PL
2008, Schindler’s Factory, Kraków, PL
2007, 13th Annual International Contemporary Dance Conference and Performance Festival, Bytom, PL
2007, Silesian Dance Theatre, Bytom, PL

Mobile Variations [ choreographic miniature ]
Commissioned by the V Festival of New Music, Silesia, PL
Choreography and performance: Korina Kordova
Music: Krzysztof Wołek (PL/ USA)
Performance: Mix Media Art Concert, Bytom, PL

Night [ choreographic miniature ]
Commissioned by the V Festival of New Music, Silesia, PL
Choreography and performance: Korina Kordova
Music: Allison Ogden (USA)
Performance: Mix Media Art Concert, Bytom, PL

Collaborations: co-creation / dramaturgy / collective improvisation projects

I woke to the sun on a daffodil [ in progress ]
Choreography: Silja Tuovinen (FIN/SE)
Developed and danced with: Anton Hedevang, Pénélope Touvier
Dramaturgical advice: Korina Kordova
Thinking partners: Martin Sonderkamp, Sergiu Matis
Created in the frame of the Master in Choreography programme at Stockholm University of the Arts, SE
Performances: 20/21.05.2022, Stockholm University of the Arts, SE

The Chicken 
Conception, choreography: Mariana Costa (BR/SE)
Dramaturgy, choreographic assistance: Korina Kordova
Co-creators, performers: Korina Kordova, Mariana Costa, Valentina Parravicini
Music, sound design: Eric Reid
External eye, studio companion: Alexis Steeves
Thinking Partner: Gustavo Ciríaco
Music advisor: Daniel Conti
Created in the frame of the Master in Choreography programme at Stockholm University of the Arts, SE
Work-in-progress showings on 19, 21, 22 January 2022, Stockholm University of the Arts, SE
10.05.2022, Weld, Stockholm, SE
18/22.05.2022, Stockholm University of the Arts, SE

NADA [ livestreamed dance and music ]
Concept and performance: Leticia Rodrigues and Gustavo Infante (BR)
External eye/ interlocutor: Korina Kordova
Part of the programme ‘Dança em Casa com o Sesc’ - Sesc São Paulo, BR
Performance: April 2021

SET UP TO FAIL [ performance/expanded cinema ]
Concept and direction: Mirella Brandi X Muep Etmo (BR) in collaboration with visual artist Lucas Bambozzi (BR), artist Natalia Mallo (ARG/BR) and invited performers
Ocupação do Teatro do Centro da Terra
Curator: Ruy Filho (BR)
Centro da Terra, São Paulo, BR

2016        Bialy Dmuchawiec [ film ]
Direction: Agata Dyczko (PL)
Text: Mateusz Pakuła (PL)
Choreography: Korina Kordova
Realization: Wytwórnię Filmów Dokumentalnych i Fabularnych/ Documentary and Feature Film Studios, Warsaw, PL

Poranne Niebo/ Red Sky Morning [ theatre: performative reading ]
Direction: Anna Karasińska (PL)
Text: Tom Holloway (AUS)
Coreography and movement direction: Korina Kordova
Teatr Nowy, Lódz, PL

what moves them [ research + public sharing ]
Realized in the frame of the project ‘Center in Process’, by the association of choreographers ‘Center in Motion’ (PL)
Financed by the Capital City of Warsaw
Concept, dramaturgy: Mateusz Szymanówka (PL/DE)
Choreography, text and performance: Korina Kordova
Open talk mediator: Marta Żiółek (PL)
Production: Center in Motion, Warsaw, Poland
Performance: what moves them #1: pleasure, XS, Warsaw, PL

To/ This [ dance piece ]
Commissioned by the VII Maat Festival ‘Kantor Now!, Teatr Maat, Lublin, PL
Concept, choreography: Marta Ziółek (PL)
Choreography: Marta Ziółek, Korina Kordova, Robert Wasiewicz
Performances: VII Maat Festival "Kantor Now!", Lublin, PL; Cricoteka Tadeusz Kantor; Nowy Teatr, Warsaw, PL

Rodzina/ Family [ theatre ]
Created at Mazowieckie Institute of Culture, Warsaw (PL), in the frame of ‘Klasyka Zywa’, a prize for staging Polish literature organised by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute (PL)
Direction: Agata Dyczko (PL)
Movement direction/ choreography: Korina Kordova
Production: Foundation Hi Art, Warsaw, PL
Performances: 2015/ 2016, PL

Alice Project: 'Rehearsal in a small salon' [ video ]
Paderewski's paper rool operated pianola recording from 1906 is projected by a laser beam
Spin-off of the sound installation at ‘Alice in the Saxon Garden’
Concept: Włodzimierz Jan Zakrzewski (PL) 
Choreography and performance: Korina Kordova
Collaborator: Michal Silski (PL)
Zachęta- National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, PL

Bio/Formy - Zofia Hansen [ dance and architecture ]
Created as a collaboration between the association of choreographers ‘Center in Motion’ (PL) and architects from the designer group ‘Centrala’ (PL)
TR Warszawa, Warsaw, PL

FRIV MOVE ZAMEK [ dance + music improvisation ]
In the frame of the artists-in-residence program 'laboratorium' - improvised music and dance 
Zamek Culture Centre, Poznań, PL

Untitled dance performance created for an installation at the event PERSONA w pułapce przeciwieństw - by Siostry Bui & Katarzyna Stefanowicz (PL)
Curator: Fabio Cavallucci
Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, PL

Dżwięki Ciał/ Body Sounds - Center in Motion in Galeria Studio [ improvisation performance ]
Conceptualized and performed by members of the association of choreographers ‘Center in Motion’ (PL)
Galeria Studio, Teatr Studio, Warsaw, PL

Dancer + performer

Exhibition [ dance ]
Creation: Cláudia Müller (BR)
Performances: Sesc Avenida Paulista / Sesc Ipiranga, São Paulo, BR

Rainhas #queméarainha? [ performance/ intervention ]
Concept, direction: Milena Filó (BR)/ Em Ensaio
Virada Cultural 2018, São Paulo, BR

Cia. Corpos Nômades - contemporary dance company, São Paulo, BR 
Hotel Lautréamont - Os Bruscos Buracos do Silêncio [ 2017 ]
Dr. Faustroll [ 2016 ]
Concept, choreography: João Andreazzi (BR)
Project financed by ‘Lei de Fomento à Dança para a Cidade de São Paulo’

The ninth [ dance / performance ]
Concept, direction: Bojan Jablanovec (SLO)
Production and realization: Via Negativa (SLO) / JaJaJa Ne Ne Ne Association Warsaw
Apart Festival, Katowice, PL

Deeds not words [ puppet slam/ performance ]
Creation: Marvin Gaye Chetwynd (UK)
‘PUPPET SLAM Objects Do Things’
Curator Joanna Zielińska (PL)
Ujazdowski Castle Center for Contemporary Art (CSW), Warsaw, PL

Semente - Projeto Yanka Rudzka [ dance ]
Concept, choreography: Joanna Leśnierowska, Janusz Orlik (PL)
Production and realization: Vivadança Festival Internacional, Salvador, BR / Art Stations Foundation by Grażyna Kulczyk, Poznań, PL
Performances: Teatro Vila Velha, Salvador, BR

Wspólne/ Common [ dance ]
Developed from the work Sorcery [2015]
Concept, choreography: Renata Piotrowska (PL)
Support: Art Stations Foundation by Grażyna Kulczyk, Poznań, PL

Monadology. A treatise on Relationality [ choreographic installation (replacing performer Agnieszka Kryst) ]
Direction: Aleksandra Hirshfeld (PL)
Choreography, text direction: Marta Ziółek (PL)
Scenography: Malgorzata Kuciewicz/ Centrala (PL)
Performance: Galeria Labirynt, XIX International Dance -Theatre Meeting, Lublin, PL

Sorcery [ dance ]
Concept, choreography: Renata Piotrowska-Auffret (PL)
Support: Art Stations Foundation by Grażyna Kulczyk
Old Brewery New Dance, Poznań, PL

sexy MF [ choreographic installation ]
Concept, choreography: Ana Borralho & João Galante (PT)
Body/Mind Festival: Open Latitudes, supported by European Union Culture Program
Performance: Body/Mind Festival, Teatr Studio, Warsaw, PL

twerk like teen spirit [ dance and fashion ]
Concept: Janusz Noniewicz
Choreography: Marta Ziółek (PL)
Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw, PL

~ Collective Jumps
[ dance ]
Concept, choreography: Isabelle Schad (DE) in collaboration with Laurent Goldring
Support and production: Art Stations Foundation by Grażyna Kulczyk, Poznań, PL

The Way Things Dinge [ durational dance performance ]
Concept, choreography: Ramona Nagabczyńska (PL)
Realized thanks to the stipend "Młoda Polska" granted by the The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland
Performances: Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (MSN), Poland as part of the cycle ‘Performance at the Museum’

Une Femme Masculine [ dance ]
Concept, choreography: Helena Ganjalyan (PL/ ARM)
Realized thanks to the cultural fellowships of the City of Gdańsk and the Province of Silesia and with the support of Center in Motion, PL
Performances: Dance Library Teatr Dada von Bzdülöw, Gdańsk, PL; Festival Metropolia jest OK, Teatr na Plaży, Gdańsk, PL; Teatr Rozbark, Bytom, PL; Festiwal Kalejdoskop, Białystocki Teatr Lalek, Białystok, PL

~ Dreamworks [ theatre: performative reading ]
Direction: Aleksandra Konieczna (PL)
Text: Iwan Wyrypajew (RUS)
TR Warszawa, Warsaw, PL

~ Navigation Song BD303 [ dance ]
Concept, choreography: Irad Mazliah (ISR)
Dance Theatre Zawirowania, Warsaw, PL
Performances in Poland and Czech Republic

Silesian Dance Theatre (SDT) - contemporary dance/ dance theatre company, Bytom, PL 
Worked as a dancer/performer with artistic director/ choreographer Jacek Lumiński and other international guest choreographers. Collaborated with Kokoro Dance (CAN), BalletMet (USA) and Samovarteateret (NO).
Performed in Poland, Portugal, Spain, South Korea, China, Vietnam, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Germany, Norway, Egypt and India. 
Worked as a facilitator, teacher and choreographer in the Studio of Physical Theatre of SDT, as well as in international dance festivals and regular workshops organized by the company. Works created and performed with SDT:

    Not quite dark, even colorful at times (near the top of a mountain one can't get lost) [2011]
    concept, choreography: Jacek Lumiński
    Formosa Olivares (near the top of a mountain one can't get lost) [2011] 
    concept, choreography: Jacek Lumiński   
    Dance New Amsterdam, Downtown Dance Festival, New York City
    Something like 10.06 [2011] 
    concept, choreography: Kuik Swee Boon (SGP)    
    Because [2010] 
    concept, choreography: Idan Cohen (ISR)
    Laka la Mnija. In the process of half of sth. [2010]
    concept, direction: Bente Andersen (NO), Anna Piotrowska (PL)
    Samovarteateret (NO) & Silesian Dance Theatre (PL)
    La, la land [2010]  
    concept, choreography: Jacek Lumiński
    Expo 2010 Shanghai, CHIN
    My song, best shoes, the cake, first flight, my friends, the passport and the work I do... [2009]
    concept, direction: Farid Fairuz (RO)
    Panopticon or/and the parable of the poppy [2008]
    concept, choreography: Jacek Lumiński
    Neighbourhood Chronicles [2007]
    concept, choreography: Jacek Lumiński
    Die Kunst Der Fuge [2006]
    concept, choreography: Hilke Diemer (NL)
    365 times...neither fish nor flesh [2006]
    concept, choreography: Jacek Lumiński
    Ballet Met - Metropolitan Ballet of Columbus (USA) & Silesian Dance Theatre
    Outcast [2006] 
    concept, choreography: Jacek Lumiński
    Chemical Reaction - Metathesis [2006]
    concept, choreography: Jacek Lumiński
    Diffusion [2005] 
    concept, choreography: Sylwia Hefczyńska-Lewandowska (PL)
    Glamour of a Mundane - Dream from a Saint [2005]
    concept, choreography: Jacek Lumiński
    Tutaj Tam / Here to There [2005]
    concept, choreography: B. Bourget (CAN), J. Hirabayashi (CAN), J. Lumiński (PL)
    Kokoro Dance (CAN) & Silesian Dance Theatre (PL)
    Vancouver International Dance Festival, CAN

Jenny and Joe in: "Get out of my waaaay!" [ physical theatre ]
Concept, direction: Suzana Gomes (NL/BR)
Choreography: Suzana Gomes, Korina Kordova and Barry Emond
Theater Melkweg, Amsterdam, NL

Untitled Space [ artistic intervention ]
Concept, direction: Lina Issa (Iran)
Entre Deux Festival, Jan Van Eyck Academy, Maastricht, NL

La Nuit n’est pas un chocolat [ music and dance improvisation ]
Concept and music composition: Merlijn Twaalfhoven (NL)
Paradiso, Amsterdam, NL

Tempos [ modern dance ]
Concept,choreography: Suzana Yamauchi (BR)
Production/ realization: Studio 3, São Paulo, BR
Teatro Mars, São Paulo, BR

Collectives + organization

2022  Board member of INSISTER SPACE -  an artist driven organisation, platform, and network for freelance artists within the field of dance and choreography in Sweden 

Co-founder/member of Center in Motion/Centrum w Ruchu - an association of autonomous artists and a place for the performing arts in Warsaw, PL

Co-founder of Flesh System ✚ forever flesh ✚ informal system of flesh related tactics
Korina Kordova + Przemek Kamiński

Facilitator + teacher (selection)

University Ankara State Conservatory – Department of Performing Arts
Led an online session of a movement practice developed within the Amazonizing Practices: processes of thinking-moving with a landscape research project – 27.04.2021

BA Dance Research Week - ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem, NL
Led a week of collective research collaborating with Ashley Ho, Yasmine Ho, Jill Kupers, Beatrice Leni, Polina Nikolaeva, Adrian Thommes and Selina Tuijnenburg, third-year students of the Bachelor of Dance programme, focusing on her research project Amazonizing Practices: processes of thinking-moving with a landscape

‘Mergulho do Corpo’ - movement research and improvisation      
Espaço Oito Arte e Cultura, São Paulo, BR
Sala Crisantempo, São Paulo, BR

Espaço Cênico - O LUGAR - Cia. Corpos Nômades, São Paulo, BR
Group and individual contemporary dance classes based on the physical training of Cia. Corpos Nômades

‘Connection through movement’ workshop (parents + children 5-7 years old)
Old Brewery New Dance for Children - Art Stations Foundation, Poznań, PL

‘Movement and Imagination’ workshop (children 6-8 years old)
Old Brewery New Dance for Children - Art Stations Foundation, Poznań, PL

‘Present Body’ - contemporary dance (regular open classes)
Dance Theatre Zawirowania, Warsaw, PL

Dance Inter-Space - Teatr Akademia, Warsaw, PL
Workshop for children and teenagers (music, dance, theatre and scenography)
Realized in the frame of Lato w Teatrze, with the support of the Polish Ministry of Culture

Hochiminh City School of Dance, Vietnam
Guest teacher of contemporary dance

Studio of Physical Theatre - Silesian Dance Theatre, Bytom, PL
Contemporary dance and improvisation

Silesian Dance Theatre, Bytom, PL
Open contemporary dance classes and workshops

Annual International Contemporary Dance Conference and Performance Festival, Bytom, PL
Movement lessons for children resulting in open presentations

Annual International Contemporary Dance Conference and Performance Festival, Bytom, PL
Movement lessons for seniors (50+)

International Dance Theatre Festival, Lublin, PL
Contemporary dance lessons for both beginners and advanced students

Artistic residencies + scholarships

4bid gallery, Amsterdam, NL
Research residency with Irina Baldini and Emily Welther
Experiments with documentation material from the residency at Casa Bicho
Research: Amazonizing Practices: processes of thinking-moving with a landscape research project

Residency at Casa Bicho, Alter-do Chão, Pará, BR 
Fieldwork within the research project Amazonizing Practices: processes of thinking-moving with a landscape 

BA Dance Research Week - ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem, NL
Led a week of collective research collaborating with Ashley Ho, Yasmine Ho, Jill Kupers, Beatrice Leni, Polina Nikolaeva, Adrian Thommes and Selina Tuijnenburg, third-year students of the Bachelor of Dance programme, focusing on her research project Amazonizing Practices: processes of thinking-moving with a landscape

Residency with VestAndPage
Master Performance Practices, ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem, NL

Laboratory of subjective artistic narratives, for hybrid and undefinable narratives. Artistic investigation as an autonomous field for unusual and collaborative experiences.
09.08.2019 PicNick (opening): collaboration between Felinto, Korina Kordova, Natalia Mallo, Marcus Garcia
Centro da Terra, São Paulo, BR

Residency ‘Dark Matter’/ Residência ‘Matéria Escura’
Cena 11 Cia. De Dança/ Alejandro Ahmed (BR)
03.11 - 14.12 - Sesc Vila Mariana, São Paulo, BR

Residency ‘Common Ground’/ Residência Campo Comum - KeyZetta Núcleo de Dança
Part of the Project Uníssono - financed by the 25th edition of the program ‘Lei de Fomento à Dança para a Cidade de São Paulo’
March to June 2019 – Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade, São Paulo, BR

Artistic exchange ‘Eu, O Espelho do Outro’ with Arkadi Zaides (ISR/FR)
MIT SP - 6ª Mostra Internacional de Teatro de São Paulo, BR

Artist-in-residence at Centro de Referência da Dança da Cidade de São Paulo, BR
Research residency for further development of the movement/composition practice ‘Sinuosity’ and the choreographic practice ‘#abismo’, as well as for the process of creation of #abismo.animados and #abismo.animados 2.0

‘Things I cannot live without’/ ‘Das coisas que não posso viver sem’
Research residency with Cristian Duarte (BR)
Sesc Vila Mariana, São Paulo, BR

‘Distraídos Venceremos’ - Dance dramaturgy laboratory with Bruno Levorin (BR)
Part of the research project ‘Dizer Fazer’ at residency ‘Lote # 5’ - financed by the 21st edition of the program ‘Lei de Fomento à Dança para a Cidade de São Paulo’
Lote # 5, Casa do Povo, São Paulo, BR

‘What remains’ - laboratory with Lynda Rahal (FR)
Terrain # 2, second act of the research 'Glissemant de Terrains'
Support: Institut Français do Brasil and General Consulate of France in São Paulo
Lote # 5, Casa do Povo, São Paulo, BR

‘O que realmente está acontecendo se algo acontece?’ - laboratory/ performance with Cristian  Duarte (BR)
Part of the research project ‘Ficções Químicas / Dramaturgias Táteis’ at residency ‘Lote # 5’ - financed by the 21st edition of the program ‘Lei de Fomento à Dança para a Cidade de São Paulo’
Lote # 5, Casa do Povo, São Paulo, BR

Residency ‘Artistic Honesty’ with Jorge Alencar and Neto Machado (BR)
Mostra PARALELA 2017’ at the Arts Institute of the Federal University of Uberlândia - Minas Gerais, BR

Artist-in-residence at Centro de Referência da Dança da Cidade de São Paulo
Research residency for further development of the dance performance after sinuous curves and the movement/composition practice ‘Sinuosity’

Choreo Lab - Zürich/ Warsaw - Pro Helvetia programme for young choreographers
Direction: Andrea Boll (CH)
Coaching: Andrea Boll and Marysia Stoklosa (PL)
Support: Pro Helvetia
Tanzhaus Zürich, CH / Center in Motion, Warsaw, PL

5th International Maat Festival Border Line, Lublin (PL)  
Flesh System // Korina Kordova + Przemek Kamiński 
Creation residency for a work to be premiered during the 5th International Maat Festival Border Line
Curator: Tomasz Bazan (PL)
Center for Culture in Lublin, PL

‘Solo Project 2013’ at Art Stations Foundation
Individual research on choreographic practices and a solo creation.
Mentor: Bush Hartshorn (UK)
Old Brewery New Dance, Art Stations Foundation by Grażyna Kulczyk, Poznań, PL          

Scholarship holder at ‘Alternative Dance Academy’ at Art Stations Foundation, Poznań, PL
Coaching projects:
Cláudia Dias - ‘Real Time Composition’              
Peter Pleyer - ‘Find your idiosyncratic dancing body’
Lisa Nelson - ‘Tuning Scores’
Jurij Konjar - ‘Dynamics of Dialogue’
Dalija Acin Thelander - ‘Creating children's shows’
Anne Juren - ‘Cadavre exquis’

‘Conception - Production: Theatre Realization Workshop’ 
Coaching of the participants through the creation process and performance of a movement-based piece for a theatre space. In collaboration with artists Boris Čakširan and Marko Pejović (Serbia) and lighting designer Cheles Rhynes (USA)                     
Annual International Contemporary Dance Conference and Performance Festival, Silesian Opera House, Bytom, PL

Continuous education in the arts

‘Indigenous arts: for an Amerindian aesthetics of relationality
/ ‘Artes indígenas: por uma estética relacional ameríndia’ with Dr. Els Lagrou July/August 2020, MASP - Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand, BR

‘Dança Suculenta: eroticism in dance’ with Peter Michael Dietz (DK/PT)
Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade, São Paulo, BR

‘Body, sound and Generative Composition’ with Alejandro Ahmed and Mariana Romagnani/ Grupo Cena 11 (BR)
Sesc Avenida Paulista, São Paulo, BR

Workshop with Michelle Moura (BR/DE)
Part of Grupo Vão's research project financed by the 21st edition of the program ‘Lei de Fomento à Dança para a Cidade de São Paulo’
Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade, São Paulo, BR

‘Experiências cênicas na construção de um ato-espetáculo’ - dramaturgy with Rogério Tarifa
Part of the project financed by the 21th edition of the program ‘Lei de Fomento `a Dança para a Cidade de São Paulo’  
Cia. Jorge Garcia, São Paulo, BR

Forsythe Improvisation Technologies with Maurice Causey and Allan Barnes
Henny Jurriëns Foundation, Amsterdam, NL

Performance Improvisation workshop with Katie Duck (USA/NL)
Amsterdam, NL

Trisha Brown: release technique and repertoire
Henny Jurriëns Foundation, Amsterdam, NL

Open professional training: classical, modern and contemporary dance with a number of international teachers
Henny Jurriëns Foundation, Amsterdam, NL
Estúdio Nova Dança, São Paulo, BR
Modern dance - Limón Technique with Israel Villa (MEX/ BR)

Cia. Corpos Nômades, São Paulo, Brazil
Contemporary dance - based on release technique and floorwork with João Andreazzi (BR)

Grupo Tapa, Teatro Aliança Francesa, São Paulo, BR
Theatre workshops/ study groups.
Teachers: Brian Penido, Guilherme Sant’Anna, Débora Salgueiro, Dagoberto Feliz, a.o.

Studio 3, São Paulo, BR
Classical and modern dance techniques and contemporary dance
Teachers: Liliane Benevento, Renato Paroni, José Ricardo Tomaselli, Marcos Verzani, Beatriz Cardoso, Miriam Druwe, Ricardo Vinícius, Suzana Yamauchi, a.o.

Classical ballet training with Sacha Svetloff (ARG/BR), São Paulo, BR

ProDance, Orlando, USA
Classical, modern and jazz dance techniques
Teachers: Deborah Barnes and Celeste Jones

Escola Beth Ballet & Terpsicore, São Paulo, BR
Classical, modern and jazz dance techniques
Teachers: Elizabeth Oliveira, Isis Schranck, Henrique Carvalho, Letícia Leão, a.o.