- Ruchome Teksty - Gazeta Choreograficzna / Moving with Texts - Choreographic Zine [ PDF ]
- The Forest, some Rocks and a Hole [ PDF ]
- Place Correspondence Traces [ tangible [un]framed things ]
- Amazonizing Practices: processes of thinking-moving with a landscape [ PDF - academic thesis written as partial fulfillment of the degree of Master of Arts in Performance Practices at ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem, NL ]
- Diffracting with a research box [ text and images meshwork ]
- Landing Intimacy [ score and reflection ]
- Amazonizing Practices: a possible textual body [ essay: research lexicon ]
- Amazonizing choreographic perspectives, poiesis, praxis and something else [ reflective essay ]
- Death and other matters [ reflective writing + expanded choreography experiment ]
CIPÓ [ score PDF ]
- Fiction, the algorythm, the Jaguar, the Body, the imperceptible and Derrida [ reflective journal ]
- Mythopoetics and hospitality in participatory performances [ academic essay ]