Korina Kordova (she/her) is an artist working from within the confluences of dance, choreography, performance, and visual arts. Originally from São Paulo, Brazil, she is based in Stockholm, Sweden. Her practice meets the public as live choreographic works, poetic scores in both written and aural forms, installations, publications and workshops. She creates mutating spaces for deep slow breaths, pelvic thoughts, and magic, finding resonance with feminist new materialisms, ecological thinking, and decolonial practices. She’s also a facilitator of body-based artistic practices, and has recently started to work as a curator and dance dramaturge.

Since 2017 she’s been developing dialogic practices between human and extrahuman, thinking of artistic practices as ecology, researching non-Western epistemologies, and facilitating discursive practices related to ecology, communication beyond the human, and decolonial aesthetics. In 2022, in collaboration with choreographer Bianca Mendonca (BR/DE), she initiated and curated POSTAPOCALYPTIC ENCOUNTERS - a transdisciplinary platform gathering people interested in ways of thinking, moving and creating which stem from non-Eurocentric bodies of knowledge.

Her artworks have been presented in such contexts as Festival Tanztage Berlin (DE), Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space (CZ), TanzArt Ostwest in Giessen (DE), Art Stations Foundation in Poznań (PL), Teatr Studio and Ujazdowski Castle Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw (PL), Museum of Image and Sound in São Paulo (BR), Mostra PARALELA in Uberlândia (BR), Mostra Cult Dance in Brasília (BR), Outdoor gallery at På Sergels torg, Lusthuset in Spökparken, and Gallery ID:I in Stockholm (SE), Röda Sten Konsthall in Gothenburg (SE), among others.

As a dancer/performer, Korina has worked with dance and theatre companies, as well as with autonomous choreographers and directors in Europe and the Americas for the last 20 years. She worked with the Silesian Dance Theatre (PL), Kokoro Dance (CAN), BalletMet (USA), Samovarteateret (NO), Via Negativa (SLO), Cia. Corpos Nômades (BR), Jacek Łumiński (PL), Ramona Nagabczyńska (PL), Marta Żiółek (PL), Alex Baczyński-Jenkins (PL/DE), Joanna Leśnierowska (PL), Mihai Michalcea (RO), Idan Cohen (ISR), Kuik Swee Boon (SGP), Isabelle Schad (DE), Suzana Gomes (BR/NL), João Andreazzi (BR), Rebecca Chentinell (SE), among others.

She trained as a dancer in her native São Paulo (BR) and in the Netherlands, and earned a Masters in Performance Practices from ArtEZ University of the Arts (NL). In 2021 she undertook an internship in the Master Program in Choreography at the Stockholm University of the Arts (SE). She also holds a Bachelors in Social Communication/ Journalism from Faculdade Cásper Líbero, São Paulo (BR). In 2023 she completed the Postmaster “Materialities; energies” at The Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm.  

She’s a co-founder of “Center in Motion” – an association and a space run by autonomous choreographers based in Warsaw (PL). She’s currently a board member of INSISTER SPACE, an artist driven organisation, platform, and network for freelance artists within the field of dance and choreography in Sweden. In 2024 she joined the Global Connect Program within the IETM - International network for contemporary performing arts.