Rodzina / Family

> theatre play

Rodzina/ Family was created in the frame of ‘Klasyka Zywa’, a prize for staging Polish literature organised by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute (PL). It was created and presented at Mazowieckie Institute of Culture, Warsaw (PL).

Text: Antoni Slonimski
Direction: Agata Dyczko
Cast: Lech Lotocki, Katarzyna Czapla, Piotr Tołoczko Michał Meyer, Izabela Dąbrowska, Paweł Koślik, Sebastian Stankiewicz
Set design: Aleksandra Gasior
Costume design: Przemek Brach
Music: Wieszcze Niespokojne
Movement direction and choreography: Korina Kordova
Production: HI ART Foundation
Premiere: April 18 , 2015, Mazowiecki Institute of Culture, Warsaw, PL