choreographic anarchiving: lithic
> installation
The assemblage was created for the ‘Materialities; energies’ exhibition at outdoor gallery at På Sergels torg during Stockholm Art Week.
choreographic anarchiving: lithic
inkjet on paper, 2 rocks, seed, iron ore, threadThe anarchive is a repertory of traces which are not inert.
They are carriers of potential.
A surface. A landscape of fragments: images, small things, and ghosts.
It reactivates traces of previous research phases
and documentation of current unfinished processes.
It becomes a place-event that works with the excess energy of the archive:
the surplus, affordances, affects, and forces attracted by things.
They are carriers of potential.
A surface. A landscape of fragments: images, small things, and ghosts.
It reactivates traces of previous research phases
and documentation of current unfinished processes.
It becomes a place-event that works with the excess energy of the archive:
the surplus, affordances, affects, and forces attracted by things.
choreographic anarchiving: lithic is an assemblage for thinking-moving with human and extrahuman entities, a surface where material and incorporeal things make different geographies touch. A scattered choreographic piece that invites to pause-see-read-listen in a public space.
By re-enchanting material and incorporeal traces, choreographic anarchiving: lithic takes them into the future behind them, digging into the mysterious temporality of artistic research, and proposing a connection to the animistic dimension of perception.
The work unfolds from choreographic anarchiving and body-making, an artistic research project situated at the crossroad between choreography, feminist materialism, and anthropology beyond the human. The artist works from and with traces, both material and intangible, weaving them together in a box in a public space in the center of Stockholm.
// The language-based materials within the work are crossroads between you, cellulose fibers, Senselab, Tim Ingold, ink, Timothy Morton, liquid crystal, Manoel de Barros, trillions of invisible things, Davi Kopenawa, Senselab, and Korina Kordova. //