‘Materialities; energies’ at outdoor gallery at På Sergels torg
Stockholm Art Week 

Materialities; energies at the outdoor gallery På Sergels torg - 10-31 May 2023

Opening: May 10th 2023 - Stockholm Art Week

Welcome to the exhibition that brings together works by fifteen artists who met in the one-year postmaster course “Materialities; energies” at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm. Through their own individual artistic practices, each artist presents an approach to materiality as a form of energy and medium in an experimental and interdisciplinary manner.

Materialities; energies presents different approaches to working with energy as a form of matter, taking it as an artistic medium and/or starting point for artistic investigation and creation. Matter can be transformed and transmuted, shaped and reshaped, purposed and repurposed; yet its energy remains intact. Employing multiple mediums, translating form, transducing energy, or just allowing the invisible to be channelled through the body, each artist attempts to reflect on and expand their practice.

If materiality and energy are ever present, how does giving attention to such basic aspects of existence relate to sustainability and philosophical stances in our times? How could artists collaborate with scientists and/or use technological tools to reveal a universe which is beyond human perception?

Since energy can take infinite forms to be perceived by different human senses, the works in this exhibition invite you to see, read, listen, think, move, remember, and imagine with them. Co-performing with all the matter-energy flowing in this public space, they invite you to experience...

choreographic anarchiving: lithic

Korina Kordova, assemblage, 2023
materials: inkjet on paper, 2 rocks, seed, iron ore, thread

The anarchive is a repertory of traces which are not inert.
They are carriers of potential.
A surface. A landscape of fragments: images, small things, and ghosts.
It reactivates traces of previous research phases
and documentation of current unfinished processes.
It becomes a place-event that works with the excess energy of the archive:
the surplus, affordances, affects, and forces attracted by things.

choreographic anarchiving: lithic is an assemblage for thinking-moving with human and extrahuman entities, a surface where material and incorporeal things make different geographies touch. A scattered choreographic piece that invites to pause-see-read-listen in a public space.

By re-enchanting material and incorporeal traces, choreographic anarchiving: lithic takes them into the future behind them, digging into the mysterious temporality of artistic research, and proposing a connection to the animistic dimension of perception.

// The language-based materials within the work are crossroads between you, cellulose fibers, Senselab, Tim Ingold, ink, Timothy Morton, liquid crystal, Manoel de Barros, trillions of invisible things, Davi Kopenawa, Senselab, and Korina Kordova. //
