before; the crater
> choreographic installation experimentAt BIRCA Baltic Sea: Laboratorium for new ecological performing arts around the Baltic Sea

before; the crater
An invitation into perceptions and poetics
of the ground.
And the sky inside your lungs.
materials: aural score, field recordings, a small moveable platform with wet clay, a deer’s skull, local rocks, mini piles of dust, pieces of bark, metal wire, plastic hair claws, inkjet prints of photographic material, inkjet print of an AI generated image, blue tape
The language-based materials within the aural score are crossroads between you, cellulose fibers, Tim Ingold, ink, Timothy Morton, liquid crystal, sound waves, Manoel de Barros, trillions of invisible things, Davi Kopenawa, Senselab and Korina Kordova.
The choreographic installation before; the crater was shared at the end of a two-week residency during the autumn 2023 at BIRCA: Bækkelund International Residency Center for Artists, on the Danish island Bornholm.
The spectators-participants were first invited to experience an aural score outdoors. Later, they were invited to perceive and transform an installation inside BIRCA’s white box.